Jan 5, 2019 QOTD

Q:Which of the following is the correct total resistance of X resistors placed in series, each with a capacitance of Y?

A: X*Y, X/Y, Y/X, 1/(X*Y)

This is a straight up memorization question. The key is to remember that resistors add in series, so the sum is just X*Y. I believe the question means to say “resistance” in place of capacitance. This chart below summarizes the properties of resistors, capacitors, and inductors.

However, you can use the trick that for all capacitors, resistors, and inductors, whether in series or parallel, the sum of the capacitances, resistances, and inductances is either the sum of all the individual ones, or 1 divided by the sum of all the individual ones. In this case, the middle two answer choices can be easily eliminated.

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